HIPAA Compliance & Security

Our HIPAA compliant video conferencing solution delivers superior quality and stability while never compromising on security.

HIPAA Compliant Video Conferencing That's Secure, Reliable and High Quality

Maintaining the privacy and security of PHI (Protected Health Information) is of utmost importance for providers. That’s why we’ve designed a telehealth platform that meets stringent standards and puts your patients’ privacy first. 

Our HIPAA compliant platform delivers secure, reliable, and stable video conferencing that can be trusted with confidential data and sessions. Using end-to-end encryption for small group One-Click sessions, DTLS encryption for large group One-Click sessions, and 256-bit AES encryption for Zoom, access is restricted to only the participants on the call. In addition, SecureVideo offers reporting, storage, and sharing capabilities within our cloud system to protect the clinical data an organization handles regularly. 

SecureVideo provides a secure, reliable and stable experience when it comes to providing telehealth services through video conferencing technology. Providers can rest assured knowing that patients’ health information will remain safe and secure from external threats while experiencing a smooth connection without any delays or disruptions throughout their session.

SecureVideo Achieves HITRUST r2 Certification

SecureVideo is proud to announce that it has earned certified status by HITRUST for information security,underscoring its commitment to delivering unparalleled security and privacy for our users. This rigorous certification reflects its adherence to comprehensive security measures and multiple frameworks like HIPAA.

The journey doesn’t end here; SecureVideo will continue evolving with new threats and standards to ensure its customers’ security remains a top priority.

SecureVideo Boasts Powerful Security Measures

Session confidentiality is our top priority, and we take all the necessary measures to keep your telehealth sessions strictly between the patient and provider. To ensure the highest level of security and privacy for our users, we incorporate stringent security measures.

HIPAA Compliant Data Center

Intrusion Prevention & Detection Measures

Comprehensive System Auditing

Multifactor Authentication

Each participant has their own access code for their session which provides granular access as well as audit capabilities.

Furthermore, our Zoom and One-Click integrations allow for media streams to run point-to-point for one-on-one calls; thereby avoiding any risk of unintended exposure if a relay were needed. This means media streams will not pass through our infrastructure unless absolutely necessary.

Secure, Robust Scheduling

SecureVideo offers convenient scheduling features while protecting PHI and pertinent data.

SecureVideo’s Scheduling & Notifications features were designed with HIPAA compliance in mind. Sessions can be set to automatically recur, and require payments or electronic documents.

For larger organizations, sessions can be scheduled on a user’s behalf with role based access, and SecureVideo schedules can be synced with Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook to automatically populate your sessions in an external calendar.

Participants have a unique access code for each session, allowing for granular control and audit compliance. Additionally, participants can easily add an event to their own calendar and benefit from automatic session reminders.

SecureVideo’s Premium Cloud Recording Feature

Our video conferencing solution offers secure cloud recording and storage for a wide range of uses including supervised clinical hours, prescription medicine instructions, speech therapy, and more.

SecureVideo’s premium Cloud Recording feature provides HIPAA compliant storage for recordings of video sessions. Should the provider decide to record a session, participants will be notified via invite, session reminders and notifications.

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    Cloud recordings are stored in a secure vault that is managed by Account Administrators and designated personnel with clinical supervisor access rights.
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    Rules can be configured to determine what users have access to specific recordings (or specific users’ recordings).
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    Users with appropriate access can edit the titles/descriptions of recordings, and easily search for stored recordings according to its details.
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    Retention settings can be set to automatically delete recordings after a certain amount of time (if they are not specifically marked to be retained), and all actions on a recording are audited.
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    If desired, an account can also be configured to share recorded sessions with participants that do not have an account, using a unique link with 2-factor authentication.

Contact SecureVideo Today

Our HIPAA compliant platform ensures secure, reliable, and high quality video conferencing that can be trusted with confidential data and sessions. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our secure telehealth solutions.