More and more health systems across the country are making telehealth — specifically HIPAA-compliant videoconferencing systems available to their patients for primary care video visits; is yours among them? Perhaps it should be. But why? And how?
Why are so many American health systems embracing telehealth as a new model of care? And how will doing so affect and improve the operations of your medical office?
The benefits of implementing telehealth solutions are innumerable — for your patients, for your medical practice, and for the good of the public health in general.
Deliver a better experience that will retain and attract patients.
Patients tare — steadily and consistently, incredibly so — pleased with the care they have been able to receive via videoconferencing. Such solutions increase the availability of after-hours care; they reduce wait times, and travel times, and the associated costs therein. This high satisfaction then only leads to be a better overall experience, and a happy patient is a patient who will choose to stay with his doctor. Likewise, telehealth capability may attract new patients beyond the immediate vicinity of your office.
Reduce hospital admission rates.
Hospital readmission rates are high, too high; this is alarming not only for the health of the patient but also because of the cost. Telehealth is a welcome solution to a big problem, as its use can help reduce admission rates by enabling doctors, care managers or pharmacists to see patients over video for follow-up care and care management for chronically ill and post-surgical patients.
Cut costs through more preventative outreach.
As the health insurance industry changes, and more patients are covered under alternative or value-based reimbursement plans, medical professionals are forced to find new ways to manage the needs to their chronically ill patients. Telehealth technologies (such as those videoconferencing solutions offered by SecureVideo) better facilitate convenient ongoing monitoring for those at-risk for hospitalization, keeping patients as healthy and costs as low as possible.
Improve clinical outcomes.
Patients who are afforded the opportunity to become active participants in their own care have significantly better outcomes, and telehealth technologies do just that. Connecting patients directly with their physicians and caregivers improves the individual experience, yes, but also bolsters their levels of compliance with medication and post-discharge instructions, and ultimately leads to a healthier, happier public.
Have you considered implementing a HIPAA-compliant videoconferencing solution?
Consider it. Contact SecureVideo for more information.
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