Desktop sharing, notifications, and SecureVideo getting started guide

We have another bundle of new changes, with one feature especially for Windows users: desktop sharing! Previously only a feature for hosts using a Mac computer, hosts on a Windows computer will now also be able to share an entire screen, and resize as needed. For more information, please see our support center article, How do I share my screen?.

We have also added desktop notifications for Firefox and Safari users (previously only available on Chrome). For more information, please see the article, How do I enable/disable popup notifications?.

Desktop notification example
An example of a desktop notification

For users interested in an easy-to-print reference, we have created a Getting Started Guide PDF and added it to our website’s Support tab. This guide shows the basics of using our system: scheduling, starting, and ending sessions, making adjustments to video/audio settings, and an overview of how invitees will enter a session. You can still find the same (and even more) information in our Support Center, but we hope this resource will make it even easier to hit the ground running with SecureVideo.

The last big change is that we’ve added an integration for buy now buttons; for more information, see this support center article.

Other changes:

  • We added a pop-up alert if a host tries to send a reminder to a participant within 99 minutes of the last reminder, warning of a duplicate reminder.
  • We modified the error that appears when an incorrectly formatted phone number is entered for a participant, to confirm that it needs to be 10 digits long and include the area code.

Got questions, comments, or suggestions for future changes? Let us know in the comments or by email, support[at]securevideo[dot]com!